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La articolul 6, dupa alineatul (6) se introduce un nou alineat, alineatul (7), cu urmatorul cuprins: (7) In situatia in care un medic specialist, un medic dentist specialist sau un farmacist specialist inscris la programul de pregatire intr-o alta specialitate in regim cu taxa intr-una din sesiunile bianuale organizate de Ministerul Sanatatii se inscrie la un nou program de pregatire intr-o alta specialitate, acesta se afla in stare de incompatibilitate si are obligatia de a opta, in scris, in maximum 15 zile de la data inceperii unui nou program de pregatire pentru una dintre cele doua specialitati; in caz contrar se considera ca a renuntat la primul program de pregatire. La articolul 8, dupa alineatul (2) se introduc doua noi alineate, alineatele (3) si (4), cu urmatorul cuprins: (3) Incepand cu data de 1 ianuarie 2024, gestionarea la nivel national a activitatii de pregatire in rezidentiat, prin Registrul matricol national al rezidentilor, se va face de catre Ministerul Sanatatii prin structura de specialitate, respectiv de Ministerul Educatiei si departamentele de invatamant postuniversitar medical, medico-dentar si farmaceutic din structura institutiilor de invatamant superior cu profil medical acreditate, cazinoul mobil slots lv. La articolul 9, alineatul (1) se modifica si va avea urmatorul cuprins: (1) Pregatirea in rezidentiat se desfasoara in mod descentralizat, regional, la nivelul centrelor universitare cu facultati de medicina, medicina dentara si farmacie acreditate, prin departamentele de invatamant postuniversitar medical, medico-dentar si farmaceutic in unitati sanitare publice aflate in subordinea Ministerului Sanatatii, autoritatilor administratiei publice locale, ministerelor si institutiilor cu retea sanitara proprie, inclusiv in unitati medico-militare sau aflate in administrarea universitatilor de medicina si farmacie, precum si in cabinete medicale individuale de medicina de familie. Magic bet casino If you prefer handling your online gambling real money activities on a mobile device, Slots. Lv is the casino site to join, in our humble opinion. Casino Games and Payout Rates: 4. Lv Casino Review: Our Verdict. Lv is an exciting online casino that is home to games from some of the best software providers on earth. Lv has a clean look and is easy on the eyes, especially on mobile. The games are categorized neatly, and you can quickly look for a mobile slot game using the search bar. Overall, we like the modern feel of Slots. This mobile casino offers a few convenient options for deposits and payouts. Best Free Online Slots on Mobile. The advantage of Slots LV over most mobile casinos is that was built with mobile players in mind. Slots LV mobile casino is powered by two software developers, RTG and BetSoft, so players can enjoy the widest variety of slots and other casino games than in any other USA mobile casinos. Sometimes the players are stopped by the complexity of registration on the site. Suppose you are interested in starting Gambling at Slots. LV casino registration will take up to a minute. Best Real Money Mobile Casinos in 2023. Ignition: Best real money casino app overall. Wild Casino: Fastest payouts. Lv – Best Mobile Casino Site Design. Pros: Wide choice of valuable welcome packages; Fantastic mobile app design; Hit slots from RealTime Gaming and more;. Lv casino is one of the pretty mature online casinos which have been co-living in the industry with other online casinos. They offer over 1000 online casino games which are from popular software providers. Apart from that, Slots. Lv is also famous for its casino welcome bonus, deposit bonus, and other bonus codes you can win by playing games. Lv Casino App Mobile Games. Login now with slots. Lv casino and double up with games like mystic wolf, 777, lucky charms on mobile. The magic never stops when you playnow at Slots


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